Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Loose Ends

Forty-eight hours to go before I leave the ranch and I finally finished the last of the "required reading." Three quarters of the packing is done, travel documents printed, and all that's left is to say good-by to my horses and husband (not necessarily in that order).

I've finally made it into the 21st century with this blog. I don't have a social network site and at times barely know how to use my cell phone. But, it's amazing what a little motivation can do. Well let's see what happens when a motivated middle-aged mother of three crosses the pond for a month solo at Cambridge University's Literature Programme. Don't you love the "e" on the end?


  1. What a great opportunity, Pris. Looking forward to reading and seeing LOTS more.

  2. I'm so excited for you, have a blast. Go back and enjoy where it all started for you. Make sure you take lots of pictures. love your daughter!!!!!

  3. Hey Baby,
    How are the green hills treating you?

  4. Wishing you all the best & a wonderful experience...what were you impressed with as far as "required reading"

    Also, important premise... pubs are a required life experience...

    Know friends & family will be missin ya a lot..

  5. I am familiar with the mandatory attendance requirement of the local pubs. As for the reading, I quite liked Phillip Larkin. I'm looking forward to the lectures dissecting his work entitled, Questions of Belief.

  6. Great Pris, drink deeply of the experience...

    Larkin quote (to publisher): "I'd like to think...that people in pubs would talk about my poems."

    Keep us posted


  7. I've been writing long comments and they don't go anywhere. So this is a TEST!

  8. YES! I'm IN! OK, let's try again. We miss you around the border but are compensated with the knowledge that you are having great adventures in and around Cambridge. Keep up the notes in your Journal to be compiled into your Sunday Morning talk in the near future. AND also remember that there are deeper adventures lurking on many different levels. Look and listen for clues and inspirations in ways you recognize. Love to you!

  9. You got to hear Philip Larkin read?! Fantastic! I'm so glad you get to have this experience! Want to hear all about it.
